Can Dental Implants Stop Bone Loss? Answering Your Top FAQs

Can Dental Implants Stop Bone Loss? Answering Your Top FAQs

Posted by Five Pines Dental Sep 26, 2024

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Once you lose a tooth, your jawbone starts to get weaker. That’s because it’s no longer stimulated by the natural pressure of biting and chewing. But can dental implants in Downtown Portland from Five Pines Dental stop bone loss?

The short answer is “Yes!” Dental implants are the best way to stop jaw bone loss after you lose a tooth. If you’d like to learn more, we’ve put together a list of answers to some of the most common FAQs about bone loss, dental implants, and bone grafting. Read on and get all the details.

Can Dental Implants Stop Bone Loss?

Yes. Dental implants can halt and even reverse bone loss after you lose a tooth. This is because dental implants are surgically placed directly into the jaw bone in the area where you’ve lost a tooth. The metal implant “post” places pressure on your jawbone when you chew and bite with your new tooth or other dental restoration.

This means that, just like a natural tooth, a dental implant will keep your jawbone strong. This prevents further dental health complications related to jaw bone loss. It also helps protect your appearance, since a weakened jawbone can lead to unwanted changes in your facial structure.

Do Dentures Or Dental Bridges Stop Bone Loss?

No. Traditional dentures and dental bridges do not attach to dental implants. They're held in place by natural teeth, or they are placed directly on your gums in the case of full-mouth traditional dentures.

This means that they do not protect your jawbone or stop bone loss. However, it is possible to create dental bridges and dentures that attach directly to a set of dental implants. Unlike traditional restorations, these implant-supported restorations will help protect your jaw bone and prevent bone loss.

Once I Lose A Tooth, How Long Do I Have Before Bone Loss Starts?

Bone loss begins right away once you lose a tooth. You can lose up to 25% of your jaw bone mass within just a year of tooth loss. Of course, every patient is different. Depending on the specifics of your case, you may experience less or more bone loss. 

Still, it’s important to get treatment such as a dental implant as soon as possible once you lose a tooth. The sooner you get a dental implant, the simpler your treatment will be, and you’ll be able to avoid the need for bone grafting.

Can I Get A Dental Implant If I’ve Already Experienced Bone Loss?

Yes! Even if you’ve already experienced some significant jaw bone loss, you can usually qualify for a dental implant as long as your mouth is healthy. However, you will likely need a bone graft to rebuild your jawbone.

In a bone graft, our team will create an opening in your gums and jaw. Then, he’ll pack bone granules into the area and suture it shut. Over time, the natural bone will heal over these granules. This strengthens the area and allows the placement of a dental implant in the future.

Learn More About Dental Implants, Bone Loss, And Bone Grafts At Five Pines Dental

At Five Pines Dental, our Downtown Portland dentist is an expert implant dentist in Portland. If you’d like to permanently replace your missing teeth, our team is here for you. From simple single-tooth implants to full-arch implants that require bone grafting, we can handle it all. Get started today and see if dental implants are right for you by contacting us online or giving Five Pines Dental a call at (503) 482-2160.

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